The Truth About Cars » Ten Worst AutosThe Truth About Cars is dedicated to providing candid, unbiased automobile reviews and the latest in auto industry news.TTACs Ten Worst Automobiles for 2007: Time to Vote!- October 24, 2007 It is time. You&39;ve nominated 136 candidates for The Truth About Cars&39; (TTAC) recently rechristened &8220;Ten Worst Automobiles&8221; awards. TTAC&8217;s stable of underpaid and overeducated scribes surveyed the damage and did their duty: they&39;ve winnowed the roll call of automotive abominations down to the terrible twenty.&160;Now it&39;s your turn to tell the truth about cars. Go to the bottom of this post and vote for ten vehicles you consider worthy of public recognition as... TTACs Ten Worst Automobiles Awards: Update- October 17, 2007 Nominations for TTAC&39;s Ten Worst Automobiles awards continue apace. You, our not-so-gentle readers, are cordially invited to continue submitting your ruminations on these ruinations underneath this post. So far you&39;ve nominated 118 different vehicles (give or take a few clones). While we&39;re not keeping track of how many nominations any given car receives, there are already a few clear front runners. Here&39;s a roundup of the &34;leading&34; nominations and their pithy proponents... |