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Feed items 1 - 7 of 7 for September 2008

The Atypical Virtual Assistance Fwicki

For Virtual Assistants and the Internet Marketers who love them! If you'd like to be added to this Fwicki, email - I'd love to see more Internet Marketers utilizing Virtual Assistants on this Fwicki!

RSS Mashup - September 17, 2008

Be sure to visit the home of the Energy Retards - See how stupid they can be!

You Might be Barking up the Wrong Tree - September 16, 2008

If you find you cant get clients, and youve been looking everywhere, and you have acne from all the stress. Stop hitting your head against the wall. Do a written inventory of what you have done successfully and what you have not. Was your marketing effective What parts worked, what parts didnt When are you losing ...

41 Internet Marketing Tactics - Take the Poll - September 16, 2008

We live in some interesting times with the economy, the war, natural disasters and the uncertainty that comes with a Presidential election. It&8217;s enough to keep marketers on their toes that consumer online behaviors and technology change so often, but economic uncertainty makes it even more &8220;interesting&8220;. The interactive marketing show will go on but in ...

Get Your Hardware Straight - September 14, 2008

Before you open your home office, its important to have everything together. If you need more complicated equipment like network switches and routers, make sure you have someone that can give you reliable advice on those things. If you only have one computer, make sure you have a high-speed Internet connection. Working online with dial ...

Free Pass Winners to DPAC II NYC - September 12, 2008

There&8217;s a pretty big agenda in store for the upcoming Digital Publishing and Advertising Conference in New York also known as &8220;DPAC II&8220;. Topics, people and conversations around media, marketing, publishing, and technology will all come together to help the digital content and advertising industry understand what&8217;s next and what&8217;s right for them. Anyone in ...

To follow or not to follow, that is the essential Twitter question - September 11, 2008

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them A few days ago I sent out a message on Twitter (I'm DaveTaylor on the service) commenting that I was just a few people shy of 2000 followers, a big milestone as it has occasionally been the top limit of standard Twitter accounts. Someone I didn't know responded thusly:"DaveTaylor You are probably not following them. Many of us clean out the.

Creating Adventure Games on Your Computer - September 5, 2008

From 1983. I remember reading this book obsessively as I tried to develop my own versions of Zork . I was in middle school learning how to write a language parser. Nerd! 470 N=1 480 IF MID$(A$,N,1)=" " THEN C$=MID$(A$,N+1,3): IF LEFT$(C$,1)<>" " THEN 530 ELSE 500 Full text of the book by Tim Hartnell&8230;
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- September (7 items)
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