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Feed items 1 - 10 of 38 for December 2003

Ted Ritzer: BizBlog

how to make money with Blogs

(Untitled) - December 29, 2003

Dave Pollard on the blogging process. Radio Free Blogistan missed this back in the summer but Dave Pollard does a stellar job to document what bloggers have learned, without any formal instruction, to do every day and so I add this to the list of pointers we have in our stacks to Dave's consumate job of detailing the "meta" of the blogosphere. by Christopher L. Filkins... Meerkat: An Open Wire Service

(Untitled) - December 26, 2003

Talk About Perverse Irony Brought To You By MIT! the following Phillip Greenspun article should be a wakeup call for all computer science students! Well worth considering, as good paying programming jobs go down the outsourced to India hole! Outsourcing to India in Business Week and at MIT... Not all of our students will see this cover story in Business Week on the migration of high-paying jobs to India.  But most attended a lecture in 6.171 by the folks who run MIT's latest big IT...

(Untitled) - December 24, 2003

Hitting Shoppers Where They Work. The bulk of that online holiday shopping took place during the work week. At lunch time, of course!

(Untitled) - December 24, 2003

Merry Christmas from the Accordian Guy worth repeating: Stole this file from the above site, cause I think it really does capture some of both the frustration and the joy of Xmas. All the best from WIFLblog and enjoy the Accordian Guy's Christmas story, and don't forget to visit his site: the Accordian Guy Christmas story now follows: Merry Christmas, and I mean it in the nice sense of the phrase by Joey deVilla on December 24, 2003 12:13PM (EST) This is from last year (with a little...

(Untitled) - December 24, 2003

MySQL Crash Course. Almost every serious web application uses a relational database to store its data. At some point, you'll have to learn how to use them. John Coggeshall explains the basics of relational databases with MySQL. O'Reilly Network

(Untitled) - December 23, 2003

Innovation Quote Worth Considering from Fast Company: for the whole article: "Sidebar: Getting Innovation Right If Apple teaches us anything, it's that effective innovation is about more than building beautiful cool things. A few thoughts for innovating well in your own shop: Not All Innovation Is Equal Technical innovation will earn you lots of adoring fans (think Apple). Business-model innovation will earn you lots of money (think Dell). Innovate for Cash, Not Cachet If your cool new thing.

(Untitled) - December 23, 2003

E-Commerce Report: Early Word on Amazon ëStoresí New York Times: Technology

(Untitled) - December 22, 2003

XML for the rest of us. "The relational database is designed to serve up rows and columns," said BEA's Adam Bosworth in his keynote talk. "But our model of the world is documents. It's 'Tell me everything I want to know about this person or this clinical trial.' And those things are not flat, they're complex. Now we have the way to get not only the hospital records and prescriptions but also the doctor's write-ups." The doctors and bankers will get that, just as the highway patrolmen already..

(Untitled) - December 22, 2003

The Guardian's A-Team blogger list. Scripting News

(Untitled) - December 22, 2003

Jon Udell: "XML documents, flowing through XML plumbing, can now deliver very real and tangible benefits." Scripting News
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