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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for November 2003

Ted Ritzer: BizBlog

how to make money with Blogs

Making Blogs Different-another Winer Concept - November 30, 2003

Making Blogs Different the following article was posted by Dave Winer, and is important reading for creating a 21st Century approach to grassroots news reporting, gathering and sharing! Jeez, aren't we all tired of the same old same old, that a handful of technology companies own everything, and no individual or small company can compete! take a read of the follwoing article of Dave Winer: At the meeting with Dave Sifry and Kevin Marks last week, we had a long discussion about doing development.

(Untitled) - November 29, 2003

RSS Enables Simple 'Headline News' on the Run. I'm beginning to envision the future of "headline news" -- RSS style on handhelds. This is a new Treo 600,... Dan Gillmor's eJournal

(Untitled) - November 27, 2003

Jeff tries to guess what Dave's up to. Jeff Sandquist is trying to guess what Dave Winer is up to. He has a great idea. Instead of putting the onus on weblog writers to add metadata to our posts (I hate putting titles on my posts, for instance, or even clicking a box when I post) why not give that power to readers Let them add the metadata that will make weblog posts more useful to more people. By the way, I added a title to this post, but not to the others. Just so those of you who are...
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