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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for March 2008

(Untitled) - March 24, 2008

HAPPY CHAIR Oh to be a chair. Sittin' there. Waitin' for someone to come and take advantage of your generosity in offering a seat. Not really being much use unless someone comes and uses you to rest on. We can be chairs. Everyone wants someone to listen. Ready yourself for an ear to bend (yours). It won't hurt, I promise. Turn your seat to absorb and just let the weight of their speaking sink into the comfort of your attention. After they are gone, you will once again regain your shape...

(Untitled) - March 19, 2008

untitled HISTORY In the late 80s, I used to frequent a bar in NYC&146;s Soho called Bar Doh. As in Brigitte Bardot. It was one of the first &147;lounge spaces&148; that appeared versus just a bar. I lurved it. The clientele was varied - trendy hip people, fags and their hags, lesbians - and the music was PHENOMENAL. You&146;d get a cocktail, sit on a sofa amid fab people, someone would offer you a joint and you&146;d just want to stay there forever. This was, natch, at one AM. On every.

(Untitled) - March 18, 2008

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