The Lost Podcast with Jay and Jack (Super Deluxe: AAC)A Podcast Dedicated to the show "LOST" on ABCLost Vidcast: ABCs Dharma Initiative Booth- July 25, 2008 On this special edition of The Lost Vidcast: We take a close look at the Dharma Initiative Booth at the 2008 San Diego Comic Con. Jay worked his way through the crowds to get his spot, but the time didn&8217;t work with his schedule. So John from the MetroBuzz podcast assumed the identity of ... CC 08 Update: Vidcast Soon, Now follow Jay on Twitter- July 25, 2008 All right everyone Comic Con is insane, working on a short vidcast of the Dharma Initiative booth. Going to put it up today, hopefully before tonight,butat least by tonight. Ryan Ozawa finally got me to get my twitter up and going again. So keep up to date with what i am doing at http:twitter.comlukevenk Later guys, Jay Lost Podcast (AAC): Ep. 3.32 Last Minute Preparations- July 21, 2008 On this Monday edition of The Lost Podcast: We continue our new campaign, &8220;Save Log Carrying Guy 08,&8221; talk about Comic Con, and get into some listener feedback. Subscribe: AAC l Talk LOST l Be our friend l Jay and Jack Store l Take Jay and Jack Survey Lost Podcast (AAC): Ep. 3.32 &8220;Last Minute Preparations&8221;.m4a Lost Podcast (AAC): Ep. 3.31 Comic Con Here We Come- July 10, 2008 On this Thursday edition of The Lost Podcast: We introduce our new campaign, &8220;Save Log Carrying Guy 08,&8221; get into some new LOST news, and talk about Comic Con! Subscribe: AAC l Talk LOST l Be our friend l Jay and Jack Store l Take Jay and Jack Survey Lost Podcast (AAC): Ep. 3.31 &8220;Comic Con ... |