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Feed items 1 - 6 of 6 for April 2008

The Jesus Dynasty / James Tabor

The Jesus Dynasty Blog by the author, Dr. James D. Tabor

Illahee Lectures in Portland, Oregon - April 29, 2008

I am in Portland, Oregon this week to give a lecture titled &8220;Who Was Jesus&8221; as part of the Illahee Lecture Series. This fascinating and prestigious lecture series is in its ninth year and draws a local audience close to a thousand folks. I wanted to mention this since we have readers who live in ...

Talpiot Tomb Story Headlined in Toronto Globe & Mail - April 24, 2008

The Toronto Globe and Mail, Canada&8217;s leading newspaper, ran a story yesterday titled &8220;University of Toronto Scientist Puts Odds on Lost Tomb&8221; that headlines Prof. Andrey Feuerverger&8217;s statistical conclusions on the Talpiot Jesus tomb. Award winning writer Michael Posner, author of the piece, also offers a kind of &8220;state of the question&8221; update on a ...

Inside the Numbers on the Talpiot Tomb - April 17, 2008

There is a new article on the Web by historian Mark Elliot and mathematician Kevin Kilty. It is titled &8220;Inside the Numbers on the Talpiot Tomb,&8221; and is available for downloading on the Web. I quote here their modest opening paragraph: Inside the Numbers of the Talpiot Tomb By Mark Elliott and Kevin Kilty March 20, 2008 The ...

Feuervergers Paper on Talpiot Tomb Statistics Published - April 7, 2008

At long last, just over a year after the initial publicity over the Talpiot &8220;Jesus Family Tomb,&8221; the formal paper of Prof. Andrey Feuerverger of the University of Toronto has appeared in The Annals of Applied Statistics, the academic journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (Vol. 2, no. 1, March, 2008). Feuerverger&8217;s paper, titled ...

Jesus Was Crucified 1978 Years Ago Today - April 4, 2008

Our best historical evidence, based on the computer programs that reconstruct the astronomical past, as well as various ancient calendars, including the Jewish, indicate that Jesus was crucified on a Thursday, April 4, in the year 30 AD. That means today at sundown, April 34, as Thursday fades into Friday by Jewish reckoning, marks the actual ...

The Jesus Dynasty Blog has been updated. - April 3, 2008

We have moved forward, with an update to our software. Please let us know about any problems. We apologize for the delays in posting on the Blog. I have saved up a whole series of posts that I will begin to put up shortly. James Tabor
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