Anonymous: American PoliticsGeneral American political overview with a focus on the 2004 presidential election.(Untitled)- July 20, 2004 Samuel Berger In the age of the Bush administration, as in Republican administrations before it, the FBI and CIA have become so politicized as to be rendered virtually ineffective. That's why the news that Samuel Berger is "under federal criminal investigation for allegedly removing handwritten notes and secret documents from a National Archives screening room while preparing to give testimony to the 911 commission" doesn't bother me in the least. Does anyone remember that former Treasury... (Untitled)- July 19, 2004 That fundraiser Yeah, it was a PC lovefest. After all it was in Berkeley right It started out with a little song singing by some white wanna-be folk singer and a fierce black lesbian who actually had a great voice. They wanted us to sing "This little light of mine" but I declined and instead headed to the bar for another glass of their mediocre chardonnay (what does one expect for $250.00 a head anyway). Then the US Rep. from Berkeley was introduced as a "champion for peace and social... (Untitled)- July 18, 2004 The over use of OUT amongst the gays Today the Good Doc and I are off to this gay and lesbian fundraiser for the Kerry-Edwards ticket in the People's Republic of Berkeley. Now this fundraiser is cheaper at $250.00 a ticket than that last one we went to, but I have an unpleasant feeling that it's going to turn into one of those PC love fests that I hate so much. Tom Ammiano is going to get on stage, with his nasal, queeny voice and prance around screeching about some strange, marginal issue. (Untitled)- July 14, 2004 Those that live in glass houses.... Shouldn't throw stones. Isn't that how the saying goes Well Matt Drudge, who's a closeted fag himself, should be careful about who he calls gay. His latest target is the Kerry-Edwards tickets whom he demonizes here. Unfortunately for Drudge both Kerry and Edwards are happily married, whereas he's suspiciously single and well known to be a closet rope smoker. Homo It's the same old song... (Untitled)- July 14, 2004 Republican Evil - 75 years and counting I thought today about what it feels like to be in the crosshairs of Republican political strategists. The gays know what it's like today and further back in history it was the blacks, before that (and still today) it was the poor. The Republican party, at least since the 30's, has had a history of demonizing marginalized groups in American society for electoral benefit and sadly in most cases it seems to have worked. The Republican party stood united. (Untitled)- July 10, 2004 Non-Citizens Should NOT be Able to Vote If the San Francisco Board of Supervisors has its way there will be a measure on this November's ballot which will allow non-citizens, illegal or not, the right to vote in school board elections. I'm opposed to this measure for the simple reason that if you want to vote you can become a citizen. It's also unconstitutional because the California State Constitution says "a United States citizen 18 years of age and resident in this State may vote." Sounds... (Untitled)- July 9, 2004 Outing Season in DC Several organizations and activists in DC have taken it upon themselves to begin "outing" closeted gay staff members of Representatives and Senators that support the Federal Marriage Amendment, which would ban gay marriage. Senator Barbara Mikulski - Closeted Lesbian I agree 100%. If you're a closeted homo working for a senator or representative who says flat out that they would fire any openly gay people working on their staff then you have no right to expect the... (Untitled)- July 9, 2004 The "Stupid Dirty Girl" Flap in CA California's Secretary of Education called a 6-year old girl a "stupid, dirty girl" at a gathering this week and now we have the PC lynch gang calling for his resignation. The conversation, videotaped by KEYT-TV, took place at a promotional event for summer reading at Santa Barbara's central library. The girl, 6-year-old Isis D'Luciano, asked Riordan if he knew that her name meant "Egyptian goddess." Riordan replied, "It means stupid dirty girl." After... (Untitled)- July 9, 2004 Bush and Kenneth Lay - Bosom Buddies I'd like for Congress to investigate the Bush administration's ties with Enron, especially considering how deeply now-arrested former Enron head Kenneth Lay was involved in Cheney's energy discussions. Fat chance I know, this Congress is far more interested in sucking the dick of the Bush administration than in getting answers and finding the truth. Still it's hilarious to see Bush and Cheney "playing down" the ties they formerly profited so... (Untitled)- July 6, 2004 Dumbasses! As if we needed further confirmation that the NY Post is the newspaper of idiots everywhere... |