Union for the Public Domain -Union for the Public Domain (UPD) is a non-profit citizens group. Our mission is to protect and enhance the public domain in matters concerning intellectual property. UPD is a membership organization, acting as an independent voice on intellectual property issues.Letter to US Congress on WIPO Broadcast Treaty- November 23, 2005 13 October 2005 Dear Senators Bill Frist, Harry Reid, Arlen Specter, Patrick J. Leahy, and Representatives Dennis Hastert, Nancy Pelosi, James Sensenbrenner, Jr., and John Conyers, Jr. RE: Request for Public consultations regarding Webcasting treaty proposal at WIPO We are writing to ask that Congress insist that the United States negotiators block a diplomatic conference at WIPO that would create a new Intellectual Property Right for Broadcasting and Webcasting Organizations until a federal..http://www.public-domain.org/?q=node/89 |