3D Hybrid particle-in-cell- July 21, 2008 Hello! Currently Im simulate the plasma cloud expansion using my 3D hybrid PIC code. Model description and some results of my code are available at http:comphys.narod.ru3d_cloud_v3.htm. The simulation results are reasonable in general. But some...http://www.talkaboutscience.com/group/sci.physics.plasma/messages/3400.html DBD gap voltage- July 19, 2008 I have a coaxial dielectric barrier discharge cell operating in air at atmospheric pressure. The construction (from the inside, out): Inner electrode: Stainless steel, 19 mm diameter Inner air gap: 1 mm width Dielectric: Borosilicat...http://www.talkaboutscience.com/group/sci.physics.plasma/messages/3399.html |