The Shifted Librarianshifting libraries at the speed of byteReblogging the ALA Privacy Panel- June 26, 2008 I&8217;ve been invited to liveblog and solicit questions for an Annual Conference session about a newish ALA grant project designed to educate the public about privacy rights. More info will be up soon at their site, Privacy Revolution, but for now, they have a top-notch panel speaking about this subject at Annual (Cory Doctorow, Dan ... Literally, Where Ill Be Gaming at ALA- June 25, 2008 I&8217;ve finally had a moment to collect room numbers, and since I see that some of the gaming stuff isn&8217;t listed in the program guide, here&8217;s a quick run-down. Open Gaming Night Friday, June 27, 7:30-10:30pm Hilton, Pacific Ballroom C&160; Games and Gaming MIG meeting (open to any attendee) Saturday, June 28, 10:00am-noon Sheraton Park Hotel in Plaza AB&160; ... Implementing the Prototype (Thinkering Spaces III)- June 24, 2008 Having explained what the Thinkering Spaces project is about and how it works, I want to wrap up some thoughts on it by noting next steps. Using the MacArthur grant, the Illinois Institute of Technology Institute of Design folks are going to implement two installations in the Chicagoland area so that they can monitor them ... Where Ill Be Gaming at ALA- June 23, 2008 I&8217;ve alluded to the fact that ALA is doing a lot with gaming these days, some of which is happening at our Annual Conference (which starts June 27), some of which I&8217;ve helped organize. The biggest one is the - wait for it - &8220;big&8221; game, &8220;California Dreaming.&8221; I posted about this on the ALA Marginalia ... Mashing Up Content in the Library (Thinkering Spaces II)- June 19, 2008 Yesterday I gave an overview of the Thinkering Spaces project, so today I want to explain a little more about how we were able to manipulate content using the various technologies and objects. RFID is a big component of the system, as it identifies content and allows it to travel with an object. To start, ... Thinkering Spaces in Libraries- June 18, 2008 Today I saw one possible future for libraries, and it has me pretty excited. I can look back on my professional career and see a progression of advocating for shifting services to where our users are, making our spaces more collaborative, and reinvigorating libraries as the community center (regardless of type of library). It&8217;s why ... Gaming Gone Wild- June 10, 2008 I hope to get back to posting more about gaming in libraries soon, but until then, this is going to be a quick link round-up because there&8217;s so much going on, it&8217;s getting difficult for me to track it all. In fact, at work, I&8217;m probably going to have to get a third whiteboard just ... Wiisterical- June 6, 2008 more cat pictures Thanks, Brandee! lolcatz, mario kart wii, nintendo wii G4C: Sandra Day OConnor Closing Keynote- June 4, 2008 Public education is the only solution for preserving a constitutional democracy Have to start with our young people; knowledge is not handed down through the gene pool We have some work to do to get them educated Only a little more than 13 can even name the three branches of government, let alone tell us what they do Its ... G4C: James Paul Gee and Eric Zimmerman- June 3, 2008 JPG: the context in which we work now is radically different because we live in a world of complex systems that are biting us pretty badly eg, oil prices &8211; wheat prices up &8211; no water, no food &8211; failed state &8211; enough failed states = no global economy (from the book &8220;Plan B&8221; - can ... |