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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for April 2008

Tech Tools @

(Tech Tools) Educational news and resources blog for PK-12 teachers, student teachers, and teacher educators.

Free text reader to help print-disabled students - April 7, 2008

Students with print or reading disabilities will have a new resource to help them access thousands of books, magazines, and other texts electronically: Bookshare, a nonprofit online community, and

Web 2.0 Tools For Schools Potluck - April 7, 2008

This month&39;s Tapped In special interest group, "Web 2.0 Tools For Schools", meets Thursday, April 10th, from 5:00 - 6:00pm PDT. The event is free and open to any educator or student teacher. Bring your &39;can&39;t do without&39; or
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