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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for September 2006

TameBear: Big Ideas

Brainstorms for a better tomorrow. A TameBear weblog.

(Untitled) - September 12, 2006

One Million Ways To Die: This one well-sourced story does more than all the 911 anniversary editorials combined to put the risk of terrorism in its proper perspective. As the article notes, you are at greater risk of dying from a hernia than from a terrorist attack. Consider how different things would be if the $400 billion spent on the false-pretenses pre-emptive war in Iraq had instead been used to develop and implement new highway safety technology to alert drivers when they are drifting off.

(Untitled) - September 11, 2006

A Supreme Power: Our reputation as a kind nation ready to help others in need was squandered by this administration: Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and a cowed House and Senate that had no spine to stand against the new doctrine of pre-emtive war they constructed out of our national tradgedy. Five years after 911, America -- which could have shed God's grace on the whole world -- has instead made itself a nation worthy of reproach, of ill repute, a war-mongering global bully. Our leaders in Congress..
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