TameBear: Big IdeasBrainstorms for a better tomorrow. A TameBear weblog.(Untitled)- February 22, 2007 iPods Set to Usurp CDs: The Beatles settlement clears the way for Apple to begin selling iPods loaded with music. As the cost of flash drives continues to fall, a low-cost shuffle loaded with tunes begins to compete head-to-head with CDs. Wired Newshttp://www.wisdomroad.com/tamebear/categories/ideas/2007/02/22.html#a839 (Untitled)- February 20, 2007 75 Percent of Vista Reviewers Compare Mac OS X: Sample quotes from a dozen different reviews demonstrate how favorable comparisons with the more mature Mac OS X operating system are irresistable. More reviewers are acknowleging features of Vista have been in Mac OS X for years. Ars Technica via MyAppleMenuhttp://www.wisdomroad.com/tamebear/categories/ideas/2007/02/20.html#a838 (Untitled)- February 20, 2007 Buzzoo.net: Here's one to watch - a news links site started by three Goshen College grads seeks to aggregate the top aggregators. They started with reddit, digg, slashdot and del.icio.us; now they're drawing from the top news on google, netscape, dzone, gigaom, techcrunch, arstechnica, cnn, shoutwire, yahoo, boingboing, furl, and more. See what floats to the top on all your favorite news aggregators, by visiting just one site: Buzzoo. TameBear Radiohttp://www.wisdomroad.com/tamebear/categories/ideas/2007/02/20.html#a835 (Untitled)- February 15, 2007 U.S. Servers Suck More Power Than Mississippi: Power-hungry servers consumed 45 million kilowatt-hours of power in 2005 - twice the power usage of 2000. One obvious solution: solar powered servers. CNET News.comhttp://www.wisdomroad.com/tamebear/categories/ideas/2007/02/15.html#a833 (Untitled)- February 15, 2007 Why Vista's DRM is Bad: Computer security expert Bruce Schneier explains why Microsoft pandering to the entertainment industry has made their new Vista operating system less secure. "Windows Vista includes an array of 'features' that you don't want. These features will make your computer less reliable and less secure. They'll make your computer less stable and run slower. They will cause technical support problems. They may even require you to upgrade some of your peripheral hardware and...http://www.wisdomroad.com/tamebear/categories/ideas/2007/02/15.html#a832 |