TameBear: Emerging TechSpotting the innovations, trends and small revolutions marking the significant turning points and advances in technological evolution. A TameBear weblog.(Untitled)- July 19, 2006 Toyota Plugs In: The automaker says it will focus on developing a plug-in gaselectric hybrid car. Owners will be able to recharge the car batteries by plugging into an electrical outlet. New models expected to begin appearing in January. Toyota also aims to cut the hybrid premium by half. Wired Newshttp://www.wisdomroad.com/tamebear/categories/emergingTech/2006/07/19.html#a794 (Untitled)- July 19, 2006 Your Eco-Car Options: Flex-fueled, diesel, or hybrid, Wired weighs the options of existing carbon-cutting tech. Wired Newshttp://www.wisdomroad.com/tamebear/categories/emergingTech/2006/07/19.html#a793 (Untitled)- July 10, 2006 Greening of the US Home Construction Industry: Increasing energy costs are providing a market incentive for the US construction Industry to engage in more energy-efficient building practices. An estimated $10 billion of "green buildings" are in the process of construction this year in the United States. (National Public Radio audio.) NPR.org via theWatt: Energy News and Discussionhttp://www.wisdomroad.com/tamebear/categories/emergingTech/2006/07/10.html#a790 (Untitled)- July 9, 2006 Cleaner Combustion Chambers Lower Emmisions: Georgia Tech researchers under a contract from NASA have developed a better way to burn fuels that cuts carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide emissions to close to zero. The low temperature combustion technology can be scaled down to suit a variety of new uses, such as small water heaters. The Registerhttp://www.wisdomroad.com/tamebear/categories/emergingTech/2006/07/09.html#a787 |