TameBear: Sustainable WorldAppropriate science and technology for sustainable life on planet Earth. A TameBear weblog.(Untitled)- May 20, 2007 Aluminum Alloy Extracts Hydrogen From Water On Demand: While cleaning some lab equipment, a Purdue University engineer inadvertently stumbles upon a new method for producing hydrogen from water. The hydrogen is generated on demand, so you only produce as much as you need, when you need it. It's possible the technique could be used to replace gasoline in cars. What's Next In Science & Technologyhttp://www.wisdomroad.com/tamebear/categories/sustainableWorld/2007/05/20.html#a852 (Untitled)- May 15, 2007 Peak Uranium: "Limited supplies of uranium fuel for nuclear power plants may thwart the renewed and growing interest in nuclear energy in the United States and other nations, according to an industry expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology." Reuters News via Futurismichttp://www.wisdomroad.com/tamebear/categories/sustainableWorld/2007/05/15.html#a851 |