The Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas » ShowsThe Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas are here to bring you a new perspective on old school science fiction and fantasy.KAMN Show 31: Poltergeist- June 29, 2007 Welcome to Show 31! Feature Discussion: Summer, David and Brian join forces to discuss Poltergeist, a 1982 offering from Steven Spielberg and Tobe Hooper. Despite the fact this movie is now 25 years old, there is some disagreement on whether this movie can rightfully be called &8220;classic&8221;. The Ninjas talk about a few elements of daily ... KAMN Show 29: Voicemail Show- June 18, 2007 We have a rare and special treat for you this time around: a separate voicemail show! Summer, David and Brian dive into the voicemails we received for Show 29, Colossus: The Forbin Project, and much fun discussion ensued. Many thanks to Brad from PodCulture for editing this up in a pinch, and doing a very good job ... KAMN Show 30 Repost: Galactic Patrol- June 9, 2007 Welcome to Show 30&8230; again. Summer, David and special guest Tim Callender (host of The Babylon Podcast) gather &8217;round to discuss &8220;Galactic Patrol&8221;, the original first novel of E. E. &8220;Doc&8221; Smith&8217;s &8220;Lensman&8221; space opera series. The audio quality is still popping in places, but it&8217;s the best Mike can do. KAMN Show 30: Galactic Patrol- June 4, 2007 Welcome to Show 30! Summer, David and special guest Tim Callender (host of The Babylon Podcast) gather &8217;round to discuss &8220;Galactic Patrol&8221;, the original first novel of E. E. &8220;Doc&8221; Smith&8217;s &8220;Lensman&8221; space opera series. Sorry about the audio quality. We&8217;re still trying to figure the problem out. Feature Discussion: Tim and David give an overview of ... |