The How To Do Things Blog » FreelancingHow to wisdom from across the Internet — want to know how to do something? You may find the solution here.How to deal with difficult clients- June 16, 2008 If you work as a freelancer sooner or later you are going to come across clients that is simply a pain in the you-know-where. Since it is going to be a constant phenomena, rather than deciding to ditch such clients and lose money in the process you will need to learn to deal with difficult ... How to make your terms of service agreement fool-proof- June 12, 2008 While doing freelance work you often come face-to-face with situations that make you wish you had a well-defined terms of service agreement before going ahead with the project. The document carrying your terms of service agreement should be presented to your client, and your client must accept them, before you proceed further with the project. ... How to build your online credibility- June 9, 2008 You need to build your online credibility if you want to be successful working online. After all it is often your credibility that gets you work or helps you sell stuff. Credibility plays a greater role if you provide a service like writing, consulting, web designing, etc. because you get work according to the feedback ... How to create a great online portfolio- June 8, 2008 If you get your work through the Internet than it is very essential that you have a great online portfolio. Online portfolio is a place where you showcase the work you have done so far and what all you have achieved for yourself and your clients. Your online portfolio can be a mix of links, ... |