The Hammond Report » Hillary ClintonA Lunch Pail Conservative promoting and defending Conservatism while exposing and poking fun at LiberalismObama Fatigue- May 30, 2008 One of the wonderful benefits of Operation Chaos will be &171;Obama Fatigue&187;. People can only maintain a certain level of emotional energy for so long. Right now, with the help of Operation Chaos, and Hillary continuing in the race, the Obama and his supporters are running at full speed in their attempt to ... Sweetie- May 16, 2008 B.H. Obama called a reporter &171;sweetie&187; yesterday while attempting to duck a question about how he will help American auto workers. His patronizing attitude towards women is shameful and unbecoming of a Presidential candidate. He even admits he has a problem calling women &171;sweetie&187;. Later, the station said Obama had left an apology on the reporter's ... Clinton Crushes Obama in WV!- May 14, 2008 Hillary Clinton crushed Obama in West Virginia today, 67% to 26%! I'm watching Hillary's victory speech on my favorite cable news station, Fox of course, and she is telling everybody she's staying in the race. GO Hillary! I plan on voting for you on June 3! P.S. Jeff at Speedkill, thanks for the &171;compliments&187;! |