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Feed items 1 - 8 of 8 for July 2008 | RSS | Science news releases | University of Washington Office of News and Information

This RSS news feed from, the University of Washington Office of News and Information, includes the last 20 in the Science category.

Ivory poaching at critical levels: Elephants on path to extinction by 2020 - July 31, 2008

African elephants are being slaughtered for their ivory at a pace unseen since an international ban on the ivory trade took effect in 1989, but a University of Washington conservation biologist believes there is little outcry because the public seems to be unaware of the giant mammals' plight.

New research challenges notion that dinosaur soft tissues still survive - July 29, 2008

Paleontologists in 2005 hailed research apparently showing that soft tissues had been recovered from dissolved dinosaur bones, but new research suggests the supposed recovered tissue is really just biofilm - or slime.

A bee's future as queen or worker may rest with parasitic tropical fly - July 28, 2008

Strange things are happening in the lowland tropical forests of Panama and Costa Rica. A tiny parasitic fly is affecting the social behavior of a nocturnal bee, helping to determine which individuals become queens and which become workers.

Scientists break record by finding northernmost hydrothermal vent field - July 24, 2008

Inside the Arctic Circle, scientists have found black smoker vents farther north than anyone has ever seen before. Dissolved sulfide minerals that solidify when vent water hits the icy cold of the deep sea have, over the years, accumulated around the vents in what is one of the most massive hydrothermal sulfide deposits ever found on the seafloor.

Toxic chemicals found in common scented laundry products, air fresheners - July 23, 2008

A study of top-selling laundry products and air fresheners found they emitted dozens of different chemicals, some of which are toxic or hazardous. None of the chemicals was listed on the product labels.

Researchers link Huntington's disease to overactive immune response in the brain - July 15, 2008

The damage to brain tissue seen in Huntington's disease may be caused by an overactive immune response in the bloodstream and the brain, according to new findings from two teams of researchers at the University of Washington in Seattle and University College London. The findings were published online July 14 in the Journal of Experimental Medicine.

For your eyes only: Custom interfaces make computer clicking faster, easier - July 15, 2008

Personalized computer interfaces that adapt to each user's vision and motor abilities significantly speeds up computer tasks, especially in disabled users. The UW prototype offers the first instantly customizable computer interface.

Reseachers foil seasonal programmed brain cell death in living birds - July 9, 2008

Neurons in brains of one songbird species equipped with a built-in suicide program that kicks in at the end of the breeding season have been kept alive for seven days in live birds.
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