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Feed items 1 - 9 of 9 for June 2007

Andy Ihnatko's YELLOWTEXT

The weblog of Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times and Macworld tech columnist.

And yet, Leno never calls me. - June 29, 2007

Well! I was quite the little media whore today, wasn't I 528 words in article.

Except without the house and the cars and the money. - June 28, 2007

Oy. I'm living like P. Diddy this week. When my phone rings there's at least a 1 in 4 chance that it's someone who wants me to come into some studio and talk about the iPhone. So despite this 90-degree heat, it's important that I keep fresh, camera-ready clothes handy. 199 words in article.

Good...REAL Good. - June 28, 2007

The Fourth of July is just a nine-iron away, which means that you can turn into nearly any morning show and witness a beloved American Independence Day tradition. 768 words in article.

Oh, I'll just do a few Hail Marys or something later. - June 26, 2007

I stink. 1930 words in article.

I can't get Cover Flow working on this thing... - June 22, 2007

Santa Larry, my FedEx driver, pulls up to the house carrying a festively-wrapped gift. Which is hardly an uncommon occurrence, although when he shows up before 10:30 AM it usually means he's delivering something special. Whoever sent it sprang for guaranteed morning delivery. 301 words in article.

Call Key Operator Call Key Operator Call Key... - June 15, 2007

Sorry to drop such terrible news on you all -- particularly on that glorious Flag Day-Fathers' Day five-day weekend -- but it definitely appears as though Satan has tapped his baton on his lectern and the overture to the Age of the Machines has begun. You have to concede that all of these wretched technical problems coming down on the same day is damned odd. 1641 words in article.

Snappy Answers to Sensible Questions - June 4, 2007

A pal of mine just got back after a week's vacation on a luxury cruise ship. Seven days, fine accomodations, terrific food with 24-hour all-you-can-eat availability, exotic ports of call. 329 words in article.

The swish of a blade... - June 2, 2007

As a public service to my many readers who are at profound risk of getting far too much done on this Saturday, I present the following imagery: 117 words in article.

Everybody In The Pool - June 1, 2007

Memo to the ad agency that puts together TV commercials for Old Navy: 552 words in article.
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