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The WELL: inkwell.vue.327: Alec Lobrano, Hungry for Paris

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219: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Wed 25 Jun 08 07:09 - June 25, 2008

> if you're coming to Paris this summer!Wish I could. That "Bush's peso" problem isn't limited to the value of the US dollar outside the States. It's buying power is shrinking drastically right here at home, too. Most everybody in the the US's economic middle class is doing a lot of belt-tightening these days. But I still love all this talk of restaurants and food. It inspires me to expand my own kitchen repertoire. That pounti dish is a great example. Read entire topic

218: Alexander Lobrano (aleclobrano) Mon 23 Jun 08 16:18 - June 23, 2008

Sylvain decides what he cooks everyday according to what he finds in the markets, local ones but also the big mother of all Paris markets at Rungis. This means that his cooking is incredibly seasonal, fresh, and inspired. Don't miss this place if you're coming to Paris this summer!And speaking of which, after my recent trip to sublime but shudderingly expensive Croatia, I have to tell you that even with the dollar in the dumps (Some French newspapers call it "Bush's Peso), eating in Paris..

217: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Mon 23 Jun 08 09:48 - June 23, 2008

What do you mean by "market cooking," Alec Read entire topic
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