The Cool Hunter - ArtLatest articles on Art by The Cool Hunter - for more checkout www.thecoolhunter.netBarcelona Gets MWM Treatment- May 29, 2008 If in Barcelona, youll have a couple of more days to see MWMs aka Matt W. Moore solo show 2020 by ROJO magazine (http:www.rojo-magazine.combcn) at Artspace at Carrer Girona 61 Local 02 in Eixample. But it is worth a view online as well at ( and Flickr (http:flickr.comphotosmwmgraphics2007sets72157605089666947show). Moore is a 28-year-old Boston-based graduate of Savannah College of Art and Design. He is a multitalented artist,... Saying Hello To London Through The Telectroscope in New York- May 27, 2008 If you are in New York, go to the Fulton Ferry Landing by the Brooklyn Bridge and peer at London with a monstrous telectroscope. If you are lucky, your buddies in London happen to be on the South Bank by the Tower Bridge where a similar telectroscope stands. And guess what you will see Each other! Why would that be in any way interesting, considering that we can webcam with anyone any time This prehistoric-looking getup is ART created by London artist Paul St. George. And he, apparently, is.. |