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The WELL: inkwell.vue.331: Jeff Gillman, "The Truth About Organic Gardening"

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78: Paulina Borsook (loris) Thu 24 Jul 08 11:54 - July 24, 2008

all good, and makes sense. and yes, the so-called 'inerts' are so often no such thing... Read entire topic

77: Jeff Gillman (jeffgillman) Thu 24 Jul 08 10:09 - July 24, 2008

No, I never said that roundup is no big whoop, but I have said that it is far from the worst pesticide in the world -- and I stand by that until I see more evidence that it's terrible. We've known for a long time that this pesticide is bad for aquatics -- not so much because of the Roundup itself, but because of the additives. There was a professor in Pittsburgh who showed that, if misapplied, this stuff can be quite damaging to frogs.If you start to consider any pesticide safe then you're...

76: Paulina Borsook (loris) Wed 23 Jul 08 19:28 - July 24, 2008

jeff, i just read that monsanto is now labeling roundup as toxic to organisms and ecosystems aquatic. i know you have said that roundup, no big was wondering what your response is... Read entire topic

75: Jeff Gillman (jeffgillman) Wed 23 Jul 08 10:02 - July 23, 2008

Thank you for having me, it's been fun. Yes, I'll make sure I check this site for at least the next few days- so post any more questions that you have soon and I'll be sure to answer. Read entire topic

74: Joe Ehrlich (static) Wed 23 Jul 08 09:25 - July 23, 2008

I normally don't like any of these stupid inkwell.vue interviews, but I have eagerly read every word of this one. Thanks! Read entire topic

73: Mr. Death is coming after you, too (divinea) Wed 23 Jul 08 09:23 - July 23, 2008

I hope you're going to stick around for a bit, Jeff, because I still have questions! Read entire topic

72: Angie (coiro) Wed 23 Jul 08 09:11 - July 23, 2008

Heartily agreed! And dibs on the first radio interview too. You've obviously got the chops for that subject, and I'm already curious to read it.Thanks for a great discussion, Jeff. Read entire topic

71: Lisa Harris (lrph) Wed 23 Jul 08 06:45 - July 23, 2008

This is such an enjoyable interview. OF course, it has been two weeks, and our attention in Inkwell.vue will turn to another book. Jeff, Angie and all please feel free to continue. This topic will remain open for your (and my) enjoyment.And Jeff, when you write that next book, we hope you'll come back to share it with us. Read entire topic

70: Jeff Gillman (jeffgillman) Wed 23 Jul 08 06:33 - July 23, 2008

Hi Angie -- I rarely pull out the big guns except for wasps (I have two young children) and a tough weed -- like a patch of thistle -- thats about it. Companion planting is basically good -- but don't get the idea that just planting a carrot next to a tomato will work miracles -- the idea is to mix up your whole garden and confuse pests. Satisfying little murders- -- If you like facts like those about Bordeaux mix then you may enjoy my next book which is scheduled for next year called (for now).

69: satisfying little murders (cjp) Tue 22 Jul 08 20:31 - July 23, 2008

Oh, I have to take that pseud.BTW, I absolutely love the story about how Bordeaux mix was developed (pp. 133-4). Facts like that really make my day! Read entire topic
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