The View from the SidelinesCommentary on Faith, News, Sports, and Anything Else That Comes AlongThe Economy and the Election, Plus Other Election News- September 17, 2008 This week, with the collapse of Leman Brothers, the sell Merrill Lynch to Bank of America, and the wobbly future of AIG, the economy took front and center again as the top issue of the 2008 election. It was already a main issue with the struggling housing market and high gas prices. Both Barack Obama and ... Mondays Electoral Map- September 15, 2008 It&8217;s Monday and for many of you it&8217;s a day to check the stocks and see how far they have fallen today. At last count, stocks had dropped some 400 points with an hour to go before market close. How that will play into the November election It&8217;s still early to speculate but both Obama and ... College Football: Week 3 Predictions- September 10, 2008 We are coming to you live, this week, deep inside the depths of a seminary classroom. Yes, we are going to see if our predictions are somehow more inspired if they come from within the halls of seminary academia. Last week, we performed better at 13-2, but took our lumps both blog wise and personally when ... Electoral Map Forecasts: A New Monday Feature- September 9, 2008 Each Monday between today (Sept. and Nov. 3, so two months, we&8217;ll look at the national electoral map picture and analyze which national candidate has the edge, which states seem to be moving which way, and what to expect come Nov. 4. You can believe that Obama and McCain are crunching these numbers as the ... Five Things for John McCain- September 4, 2008 The last of the nomination speeches are tonight and John McCain has some pressure. Like Barack Obama last week, McCain has to deliver the speech of his convention following several strong performances throughout their conventions. For Obama, it was the speeches of Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton, while for McCain it has been the speeches ... College Football: Week 2 Picks- September 4, 2008 It was a rough week last week. We can blame being proned to the media hype or just opening week upsets and amazing play by the likes of ECU, Bowling Green, Utah, UCLA, and Alabama. Here is what we learned last week: Pittsburgh is overrated. The Panthers had a mountain full of hype following their win over ... Palin Makes Her Case And Does it Well- September 4, 2008 In what had to be the most anticipated speech given by a vice presidential candidate in some 50 years, Gov. Sarah Palin, R-AK, gave her nominating address to a receptive crowd at the Republican National Convention. Faced with questions about her family, her experience, and her qualifications, Palin took the stage to introduce herself to ... Five Things To Watch for When Gov. Palin Speaks Tonight- September 3, 2008 Last week, the country watched history being made as Sen. Barack Obama took hold of the Democratic nomination for president. More people watched that event than watched the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics earlier this summer. Tonight, though, could be a more important night in deciding who wins the election on Nov. 4. Alaska Gov. Sarah ... The True Politics of Personal Destruction- September 2, 2008 One of the reasons that I left the news business is that I never wanted to put aside the obvious fact that the people whom I covered were people. They had families. They had lives outside the public offices or positions that they maintained. They were fathers. They were mothers. They were no different than ... The State of the Seminary Student- September 2, 2008 Today, I entered year two of what will most likely be a four year endeavor on a theological journey here in Kentucky. The first year was full of its struggles and its high water moments. I think that is what makes a sound education, a little bit of everything. But today, I&8217;m a different person than ... |