The Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas » Ninja NewsThe Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas are here to bring you a new perspective on old school science fiction and fantasy.Signs from the Universe- November 10, 2005 First assignment: Listen to this week&8217;s Wingin&8217; It podcast. Pay special attention starting at around time stamp 33:30&8230; Next, after the laughing, ponder the greater meaning. Basically, it has to be a sign from the Universe, because I can&8217;t fathom any other reason behind it. The Ninjas were meant to be a show business entity, ... Traveling to World Fantasy Con- November 3, 2005 Okay, by the time most of you read this, I will be on a plane headed for Madison WI, to spend four days in weather much colder than I&8217;m used to anymore. Actually, I&8217;ll be attending WFC 2005, finally meeting some of the authors I&8217;ve been talking to for years, including Matt Stover. Should be ... |