The Renewable Energy BlogRenewable and alternative energy news, opinion and options to break away from petroleum. Explore solar energy, wind power, hydrogen fuel, biofuels, hydroelectricity, nuclear fission and fusion energy. Both home and commercial uses will be discussed as well as government legislation, scientific discoveries and technological advances.Is Our Government in Bed With the Oil Companies- May 22, 2008 How much influence does Big Oil have over our Government The House of Representatives, The Senate, The judicial system and of course, the Vice President and President How much money are they receiving from lobbyists How much stock in oil companies do they own These factors affect how the government reacts to issues involving not only oil, but ... Oil Breaks the $135 per barrel Ceiling- May 22, 2008 When will the madness end Gasoline could be around $4.50 per gallon for the national average and certainly will be later this summer when refineries turn their attention to producing 2 home heating oil for the winter. Oil executives were in front of Congress this week to answer questions about why oil has unprecedentedly skyrocketed. The ... Government Halts Oil Being Sent to Reserves- May 16, 2008 Well, it&8217;s official. The energy department will officially suspend shipments into the strategic oil reserves stockpile starting July 1. Is it a political move You bet. The 76,000 barrels of oil a day that was being sent to the reserves is a pitiful amount of oil compared to what we use as a country on a ... Saudi Arabia Refuses to Increase Oil Production- May 16, 2008 I guess this comes as no surprise. Why should they They&8217;re reaping incredible financial rewards and this only stands to go ever higher. Well, hey it is capitalism at its best - or worst - depending on how you look at it. We pay what the market will bear, right &34;Saudi Arabian leaders made clear Friday ... Food Riots Somalia- May 5, 2008 As reported by the Associated Press, skyrocketing food prices, stoked by rising fuel prices, unpredictable weather and growing demand from India and China&8217;s burgeoning middle classes, have sparked sometimes violent protests in the Caribbean, Africa and Asia in recent months. &34;Skyrocketing food prices, stoked by rising fuel prices&34; First and foremost - Rising Fuel Prices.&160; These are ... Gas Tax Holiday Are You Kidding Me- May 1, 2008 The proposed gas tax holiday by both Senators McCain and Clinton is preposterous. This falls under the same stupidity that Speaker Pelosi showed by asking to reduce the oil being sent to the strategic oil reserves. All this to save a few cents per gallon when the market is blowing that amount a way on ... |