Think Christian » HolidaysWelcome to, where we talk about Christ, culture and the ways that faith plays out in everyday life. We want to exercise our faith in every aspect of our lives: heart, soul and mind.Lent challenge: dont do anything- February 28, 2008 Several weeks ago, we ran a poll asking what you were doing to commemorate Lent. 28% of you said that you weren&8217;t doing anything special. Well, it turns out that doing nothing can also be a way of commemorating Lent and Easter. Drawing from a NYT travel article about &8220;do-nothing vacations,&8221; Angelo Matera at Godspy ... What are you doing to commemorate Lent- February 6, 2008 surveys &8211; Take Our Poll It&8217;s common to give something up for Lent, or to mark the season with an activity like prayer or Scripture reading. Inquiring minds want to know: what are you doing to mark Lent this year A special prayer or devotional practice Some kind of community service Giving up TVbloggingMountain Dew Is your church ... Understanding Ash Wednesday- February 6, 2008 There are lots of good Ash Wednesday reflections out there today, but the one that struck me most forcefully today is this reflection at Mere Orthodoxy. Understanding our own death, brokenness, and isolation from God is the first, necessary step towards experiencing the joy of the Resurrection: The solitary silence that approaches death enables us to ... |