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Feed items 1 - 10 of 13 for June 2008

Togo News

News on Togo continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.

World Bank, Togo launch infrastructure rehabilitation project - June 29, 2008

The Togolese government and the World Bank have launched a long delayed project with the aim of rehabilitating and promoting the maintenance of basic infrastructure in the Togolese capital of Lome, according to ...

Supporting Grassroots Development at the Community Level - June 28, 2008

The World Bank's Board of Executive Directors today approved an emergency community development project to assist Togo with its efforts to find rapid solutions to the economic and social crisis.

Culture - June 27, 2008

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Or ganization is teaming up with its newly-named Artist for Peace and Brit i sh writer Lauren Child to support children in need around the world.

Culture - June 25, 2008

The Libyan leader Mouammar Kadhafi said on Saturday that "th e victory" of Islam in Togo and its peaceful propagation showed that the religio n was not spread through the sword and wars as claimed.

Timeline: Togo - June 23, 2008

A chronology of key events: 15-17th centuries - Ewe clans from Nigeria and the Ane from Ghana and Ivory Coast settle in region already occupied by Kwa and Voltaic peoples.

.com features news,analyses,and roundups of events in and about Africa - June 21, 2008

Barely five days after the Gambia has been without fuel, the Euro African Group Ltd.

Shareholders ratify UBA's bonus, interim dividends - June 20, 2008

Shareholders of United Bank of Africa Plc has approved the decision of the company to pay an interim dividend and declaration of bonus on its half year audited results for the 2008 financial year.

China, Togo sign agreement on Confucius Institute - June 18, 2008

China and Togo signed here on Tuesdayan agreement to set up a Confucius Institute at the University of Lome.

Hapag-Lloyd Launches New Service Between Asia and Africa - June 16, 2008

Hapag-Lloyd will launch a new service called WSX in July to serve the market between Asia, South and West Africa.

Culture - June 13, 2008

Senegalese writer and filmmaker Sembene Ousmane, who die d a year ago, has been registered in the pantheon of the men of culture.
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