Teachers & Tech @ cuonline.blog-city.com(Teachers & Tech) Educational news and resources blog for PK-12 teachers, student teachers, and teacher educators.Free Web 2.0 International Online Conference- July 16, 2008 The Knowledge Bank online conference out of Australia this year is focused on Web 2.0 in education: what it is, how it’s being used today and its potential to radically change education. http:knowledgebankconference2008.globalteacher.org.auhttp://cuonline.blog-city.com/free_web_20_international_online_conference.htm 'Iron Science Teacher' Competition Series at Exploratorium's Teacher Institute- July 16, 2008 Retrieved from Converge Online, July 14, 2008 Teachers are demonstrating the X, Y and Z-axes of geometric shapes, rigging alcohol burners, explaining density and illustrating fluid dynamics -- with a soda can.<!-- ...continued below ad-->http://cuonline.blog-city.com/iron_science_teacher_competition_series_at_exploratoriums.ht... Rapping About Fractions, Neurons, Cells and Integers- July 16, 2008 By News Report - Converge Technology IntegrationRetrieved from Converge online July 14, 2008 One Michigan school teacher has taken his two loves -- teaching and rapping -- and combined them to create Class Dis-Missed ,http://cuonline.blog-city.com/rapping_about_fractions_neurons_cells_and_integers.htm Tapped In Festival 2008: Beyond Conflict--Building Peaceful Communities- July 14, 2008 July 23, 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) and July 24, 8:00 am - 2:00 pm PDT The schedule for the ninth Tapped In Festival includes a keynote by Anna Martin. There will be a new group created during the Festival for global collabohttp://cuonline.blog-city.com/tapped_in_festival_2008_beyond_conflictbuilding_peaceful_.ht... |