Three Minds On Digital Marketing @ OrganicThreeMinds is about marketing strategy, consumer trends, and the customer experience, viewed through the lens of digital innovation. We want to engage in a dialogue about the design of exceptional experiences. ThreeMinds is a collaborative project of the minds at Organic, a leading digital marketing agency.Real Artifacts Become Digital Ones- September 17, 2008 I minored in History, so I guess you could say that I'm a bit of a history buff. Although, I haven't been actively pursuing anything other than watching the History channel now and then, or perhaps coming across an interesting article, like this one... "The Smithsonian Institution will work to digitize its collections to make science, history and cultural artifacts accessible online and dramatically expand its outreach to schools, the museum complex's new chief said Monday... working to... Is Microsoft Trying Too Hard- September 16, 2008 I wasn't seeking it out the new Microsoft-Seinfeld ads, but it seems I can't avoid them. Everyone is talking about them. People were pretty confused when Microsoft announced their $10 Million deal with Jerry Seinfeld. But they only got more confused when the ads finally aired. First, we got one with Jerry and Bill Gates in a shoe store. Next came one with Jerry and Bill studying the lives of the everyday family. And it seemed a consensus was... Who Is Going To Change Our Digital Culture- September 15, 2008 What do all of the companies above have in common They are part of the Digital Entertainment Content Ecosystem or DECE, which hopes to kill DRM and locked-up media content forever. Or at least I think that is what they are trying to do. A recent article on Reuters made me a little confused about what this group is all about: "A group of media industry companies said it is planning to build a digital world where video devices... Look Up, Not Down!- September 12, 2008 Sekai Camera, which has been written up quite a bit since launching at TechCrunch50 on Tuesday, is basically a realtime data overlay onto video from the iPhone's camera. While I'm not sure walking around looking "through" an iPhone is an optimal execution, the idea of a localized data social communication heads-up display is pretty fascinating. It was unclear from the unique presentation and Q & A how "real" the system is. The language barrier and clear enthusiasm of... ThreeMinds Weekly Digest 09.12.08- September 12, 2008 I'm back from vacation, and ready to report on this week's social media news. Why so much focus on social media, you might ask We'll, I'm obsessed for one, but for two, I really think that social media is changing the world we live in today. Did you know... "Six degrees of separation has fallen to three due to the impact of social networking and developments in technology," according to a study carried out by O2. We are closer... Michael Moore & The Cost of Free- September 11, 2008 You remember that old saying "you get what you pay for". Well, it seems somewhat appropriate in this case. Michael Moore decided to release his new movie "Slacker Uprising" online. The film documents Moore's "get out and vote" 62-city tour during the 2004 U.S. presidential election. And if you sign up now at, you'll be able to download the entire movie for FREE on September 23rd. But, why free According to Michael Moore: "This is being done. A Sketchbook Of A Different Kind- September 10, 2008 Be Warned: the site above is littered with foul language and disturbing images. Those that are easily offended stay away. With that said - the site is genius. Surfing from home the other night I stumbled upon, a site that really got it's hooks into me. Rarely do I sit through an entire site's content - but I did for this one. The storytelling was done in a fun & unusual way that I've not seen before. The... Walking Over Dinosaur Bones- September 10, 2008 The ideas are out there... waiting to be harnessed. We just have to make the time to brainstorm, to talk, to have dinner, and in the process, to capture all those ideas we generate but usually disregard for whatever reason. This article made me think about how I always come up with various random ideas, and a year or so later, someone else comes up with the same idea and does something with it (think about many people... The 21st Century is Blinky- September 10, 2008 Esquire made it to the newsstands with the first e-ink cover for their 75th anniversary issue. Certainly eye catching and PR worthy. Conceptually it's got a lot of potential - a dynamic piece of cover real estate. As owners of reasonably strong content, Esquire could have done something compelling. The issue features "75 of the most influential people of the 21st century" - maybe a series of quotes could be teased on the front, then continued inside, for instance. What... The Forgotten Art Of Banner Ads- September 9, 2008 CNN is running a really great banner ad by Apple. Check it out, and make sure you have your sound turned on! It might seem like a mistake to put "really great" and "banner ad" in the same sentence, but in truth there is a lot of work and thought that goes into them, at least the ones that are good. Many users on the CNN site might consider banner ad greatness on a measure of which ones annoy... |