Think Christian » January SeriesWelcome to, where we talk about Christ, culture and the ways that faith plays out in everyday life. We want to exercise our faith in every aspect of our lives: heart, soul and mind.Calvin January Series: William Garvelink- January 22, 2008 I attended the January series at Calvin College with William Garvelink today. He&8217;s currently the U.S. ambassador to the Democratic Republic of Congo. He used to work for USAID and has spent most of his career in humanitarian efforts. If you&8217;re interested you can read more about him, USAID and Congo at ... McKibbens Local Economies: January Series- January 7, 2008 Bill McKibben is the writer of The End of Nature and Deep Economy. After hearing him talk I can say that McKibben has an infectious affability to his speaking. He manages to infuse just the right touch of self-depreciation in his speech in order to sugar-coat his interesting ideologies. Ideas like communities establishing local ... How Does Democracy Come About: Calvin January Series- January 3, 2008 I just returned from the first of Calvin&8217;s January Series talks. You can find more information on the January series here. Andy and I will be attending these throughout the month and writing up our experiences. Anybody else attending these Today&8217;s talk was given by Michael Mandelbaum the author of a book called ... |