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Think Christian » Film

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New poll: which of the remaining Narnia movies are you most looking forward to - May 21, 2008

It&8217;s Wednesday, which means it&8217;s time for a new weekly poll. Last week&8217;s poll asked what you think of the Evangelical Manifesto. Exactly 100 of you voted&8212;considerably less than in previous polls, but that number does make it easy for even math-challenged me to calculate the percentages. Here&8217;s what you had to say about the ...

Dear Aslan, we wish to register some complaints - May 20, 2008

The good folks at McSweeney&8217;s have read the Narnia books, and they&8217;ve got some concerns. Hence this Letter to His Imperial Majesty Aslan, in which they suggest that employing children as his agents in Narnia was a mistake on Aslan&8217;s part. Here&8217;s their list of child-instigated grievances from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe: The ...

Somebody goofed! Animating a Jack Chick tract - May 1, 2008

Have you read the old Jack Chick evangelism tract Somebody Goofed BoingBoing today is talking about an amazing animated version of the tract: The animated version was created in 1997 by Syd Garon and Rodney Ascher; the BoingBoing post has some additional links and commentary. The animation is weirdly compelling and a bit creepy in a ...
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