The Truth About Cars » OtherThe Truth About Cars is dedicated to providing candid, unbiased automobile reviews and the latest in auto industry news.2008 Zap Xebra Review- March 14, 2008 According to GM Car Czar Bob Lutz, &8220;The electrification of the automobile is inevitable.&8221;&160; Inevitability also applies to the sun going cold. But with rising gas prices, some of us old timers are getting impatient (having had our youthful appetite whetted by GM&8217;s Electrovair way back in 1966). The Li-ion-powered Tesla Roadster is simultaneously sold out and yet not in production. Dozens of other miraculous EV&8217;s are just a $5k deposit and an infinitely adjustable (and not.. Alfa Romeo 147 1.6-liter Twin Spark Review- March 3, 2008 I&8217;m sitting in an Alfa 147, about to fire her up. I cast my mind back to the Alfasud: a beautiful, mellifluous, affordable vehicle that introduced a generation of drivers to the joys of performance motoring. I remember summer evenings in an open Spider, a peerless pre-Miata combination of boulevardier and Lotus-like lane pilot; a car whose zingy note merged happily with the sound of estival insects. I also conjure-up a trip to France in a sonorous, serious, quick-steering Giulia, where I... |