Ars MathematicaDedicated to the mathematical arts.Gaussian Quadrature- September 13, 2008 Numerical integration is not really a field that you expect to have surprising theorems. Yet, the existence of Gaussian quadrature is in of itself surprising. In the elementary methods that you learn in calculus (such as midpoint rule or Simpson&8217;s rule), you evaluate the function at regularly spaced nodes. A more effective ... Tremellius and Naibod- September 8, 2008 God Plays Dice has a post that answers a question I&8217;ve long had about the Mathematics Geneology Project: just how far back can you go The answer is 1572, when Immanuel Tremellius and Valentine Naibod advised Rudolph Snellius. Snellius was the father of Willebrord Snellius, who discovered Snell&8217;s law. Tremellius was a ... Everyone is Partial to PDEs- September 3, 2008 I was searching a computerized card catalog for a book on PDEs. I accidentally hit return after just just typing the word &8220;partial&8221;. The first ten hits were all for books on PDEs. I just tried the same search on Amazon (restricted to books), and get almost the same result: 8 of ... |