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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for July 2005

The Old Farmer's Almanac Posts on

Commentary and ideas about The Old Farmer's Almanac from Peter Rukavina

Life is Never Dull, Part 37 - July 8, 2005

We're in the final throes of launching a new website for Yankee -- stay tuned -- and tonight's job was to develop a system that, given a temperature, creates a sonic simulation of a cricket's chirp when it's that temperature outside (cricket chirp frequency changes in relation to temperature using a very handy formula). In addition to the algorithms and the fiddling with sound munging applications for Linux, this project also involved cricket copyright clearance issues. And a lot of listening.

Frank Gehry Photostream - July 7, 2005

I've subscribed to the Flickr tag frankgehry with NetNewsWire. As a result, I get a constant flow of photographs, taken all over the world by people from all over the world, of Frank Gehry-designed buildings. It enlivens my soul.
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