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The Bruised Edge » Library & InfoSci

Where the Alter Ego of an Introvert Confronts the Yawning Void

No Matter, Nevermind - January 26, 2008

Regarding my last post&8230; on the other hand, if I look at the conference as an outgrowth of Code4Lib (like the journal is an outgrowth) what does it matter As long as the issue isn&8217;t should (or shouldn&8217;t) we formalize the Code4Lib group, but just should (or shouldn&8217;t) we formalize the conference do I ...

Small Coders, Loosely Joined - January 25, 2008

The Code4Lib conference is fast approaching and, as people start to spend more time thinking about it, there is the question of how things should be done differently over the coming year. It&8217;s a good question and one that Code4Lib does well to ask itself. Any &8220;organization&8221; that doesn&8217;t question whether it&8217;s doing ...
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