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Feed items 1 - 10 of 13 for September 2008

The Panda's Thumb

The Panda's Thumb is the virtual pub of the University of Ediacara. The patrons gather to discuss evolutionary theory, critique the claims of the antievolution movement, defend the integrity of both science and science education, and share good conversation.

Balaenoptera musculus - September 17, 2008

Balaenoptera musculus Blue Whale, U.C. Santa Cruz...

Tangled Bank 114 - September 17, 2008

The latest and greatest edition of the Tangled Bank is at Science Made Cool. Cool!...

The Discovery Institute Needs your help - September 17, 2008

Could some friendly (and polite) Panda Thumbers, go over to Does Intelligent Design have merit at Opposing Views The Discovery Institute is in need of some better qualified ID defenders and I am certain that PTers can do a better job than what has been presented so far. And I do not even count the Hovind was framed arguments or the Pascal wager fallacy or the Eonic effect. To be honest, I feel a tiny...

Shame on the BBC - September 16, 2008

I think sometimes reporters and news organizations dont realize that alarmist reporting, while it gets viewers and comment, can have real negative impacts. Here is a recent example. Last week the BBC put up a story, Call for creationism in science which suggested that Michael Reiss, the director of education for the Royal Society in the UK, actually supported putting creationism in science classes. Now, if you read the story carefully you would realize that...

Richard Lewontin podcast - September 15, 2008

TVOs Big Ideas podcast this week features a talk by Richard Lewontin on The Coevolution of Animals And Their Environments. A very good presentation (although a couple years old). You can download it by right-clicking here....

AC Grayling: Origin of the specious (review of Fuller) - September 15, 2008

AC Grayling has reviewed Fullers latest book Dissent over Descent and does not hold back any punches. Grayling Wrote:For at the end of these nearly 300 pages of wasted forest he tells us what science needs in order to justify its continuation (oh dear, poor science, eh) and what Intelligent Design, a theory he defended before a US Federal Court in the 2005 Dover Trial, needs to realise its full potential in the public debate...

Stagmomantis carolina - September 15, 2008

Stagmomantis carolina Carolina mantis...

Prof Steve Steve rules - September 12, 2008

After Prof Steve Steve encouraged fellow Steves to sign the NCSE petition, the Steve Steve counter did not only pass 900 but ended up at 930!. Evolution is a vital, well-supported, unifying principle of the biological sciences, and the scientific evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of the idea that all living things share a common ancestry. Although there are legitimate debates about the patterns and processes of evolution, there is no serious scientific doubt that...

Halysidota tessellaris - September 11, 2008

Halysidota tessellaris banded tussock moth...

Upgrades - September 8, 2008

Ive upgraded the software and plugins on this site. Some files have changed and you may need to clear your cache to get the new files. If you have problems commenting, clear your browser cache. The most noticeable new feature is client-side validation of comment format. If your comment is not properly formed, changes will be made to it and you will be notified of the differences before you submit. Its not perfect or smart,...
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