Washington Baseball newsLatest Washington Baseball newsDiamond Dawgs Open Fall Practice Today- September 10, 2008 The Washington baseball team reported today for the first day of fall practice. The practice season will continue through Saturday, October 18, wrapping up with the traditional intra-squad "Fall World Series."http://onlyfans.cstv.com/schools/wash/sports/m-basebl/spec-rel/091008aaa.html Baseball Alumni Weekend Information- September 8, 2008 The 12th Annual Diamond Club Golf Tournament takes place on Fri., Oct. 3rd at Washington National Golf Course. The annual Alumni games will get underway at 10:30 a.m. on Sat., Oct. 4th with the Husky alums from the 60s70s80s taking on the Seattle U alums of the same time period.http://onlyfans.cstv.com/schools/wash/sports/m-basebl/spec-rel/090808aaa.html |