Uzbekistan NewsNews on Uzbekistan continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Oilmen Strike Over Exchange-Rate Change- June 28, 2008 On June 11, foreign media reported that 600 workers on an oil rig belonging to the Italian company ENI went on strike in Nebitdag in the west of Turkmenistan. Uzbekistan: Fighting internet censorship- June 26, 2008 Today, Uzbekistan is remaining one of the repressive countries in the region that maintains a tight grip on mass media. Uzbekistan to Privatize its Coal-Mining Industry- June 24, 2008 Unplaced state assets of Uzbekugol (Uzbek coal) OJSC will be sold to foreign investors this year, Trend Capital reported on 21 June quoting Chief of the Analysis and Marketing Department of the company Gayrat Ibrahimov. At present, the company's 51% share holding belongs to the state, 5% - preferred stock, 44% - for free sale, of which 35.55% are envisaged for foreign investors through tender. The authorized fund of Uzbekcoal is 29.42 billion sums (approx. US$22 million). Uzbekugol OJSC is the.. Solar and Wind Power for Gas-Rich State- June 20, 2008 While the Turkmen authorities have started talking about creating renewable energy, there is little prospect this will come about in the near future since the country lacks the research facilities, staff and technology required, say NBCentralAsia experts. On June 12, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhammedov marked national science day with a speech in which he urged scientists to focus more on new alternative energy technologies. "We have huge opportunities for conducting research in this area, and. Ulugbek Kasimov: Making that Difference!- June 19, 2008 Kasimov has been living in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro area with his family since he emigrated from Uzbekistan eight years ago. He said he's always wanted to give back, and he's finally figured out how: He's donating a dollar to both the Carolina Covenant Program and the Chapel Hill-Carrboro schools system for every ride with Chapel Hill Taxi, the taxi company he co-owns, which is noteworthy for having cabs outfitted with massage chairs. "I feel like I can make a difference," he said. "It may look. Uzbekistan Agriculture: Save the Global Food Crisis- June 18, 2008 Uzbekistan, like the other CIS states has great potential for agricultural production. Uzbekistan is known for its crop productions, such as primarily cotton, grains, fibers, rice, orchard fruits, vineyard fruits, tomatos, raisins, potatoes, and other various vegetables. Contributing to the promotion of Uzbekistan Agricultural Production could lead to the diminishing global food crisis dilemma. Like done to Georgia, the U.S. Targets Uzbekistan for Caspian Sea Oil- June 17, 2008 The Commonwealth of Independent States summit opened on June 6th in St. Petersburg. Issues over gas pipelines seemed to be of great importance. NATO forever trying to persuade Georgia to join because of its proximity to Caspian Sea oil avenues, once again imposed upon Uzbekistan. The United States now wants Uzbekistan, because of its Caspian Sea outlets for oil avenues, and fearing Russia's influence in Eastern Europe. However, Uzbekistan leader Islam Karimov remained faithful and honorous to... Kyrgyz-Uzbek Border Row Reflects Political Tensions- June 14, 2008 Established in 2006, News Briefing Central Asia was conceived as a news analysis and comment service drawing on the expertise of a broad range of political observers across the region to contribute to greater ... Medvedev holds bilateral summits with CIS leaders- June 12, 2008 Interfax News Agency, Russia June 6 2008 MEDVEDEV HOLDS BILATERAL SUMMITS WITH CIS LEADERS The informal CIS summit began with the bilateral meetings between Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and CIS leaders ... Legal experts of Tashkent learn arbitration system- June 9, 2008 Joint UNDP and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry project conducted a seminar on 30 May for legal experts of financial institutions and businesses of Tashkent city on the development of arbitration system in ... |