asianglow.netbabble!My new love- September 29, 2004 Isn't it cute :)... Note to self- September 24, 2004 Things to do this weekend: 1) Sleep late (wake up AFTER the sun rises) 2) Upload more music to my... Happy Autumn!- September 22, 2004 It's officially Autumn! Why is it supposed to be 85 degrees (F) today I wouldn't know since I never leave... Working out- September 19, 2004 As my three readers know, I joined a gym last Sunday, and I've already gone 5 times. I rock. Today,... Temping is the next new thing...- September 16, 2004 I've been working here for almost two weeks. It's been mind-numbing. I've become a human excel machine. All I do... |