Technorati Search for: Cosmos search for July 28, 2008 essere simpaticamente accattivante, ma anche decisamente pericolosa per le caviglie delle concorrenti. Grande successo di pubblico, liniziativa stata replicata da Glamour, come a Mosca in questa primavera (un reportage da flickr qui), ma anche per la rivista, che pare abbia incrementato la circolazione dalle 99.000 copie registrate prima dellevento, alle 160.000. La corsa ora approdata negli USA Con altrettanto successo di pubblico e anche qualche maschietto in Marketing and Advertising News With Attitude by Steve Hall Adrants- July 24, 2008 Last year the event was held in Amsterdam. We missed it but this year, just this week, it was held in Moscow and while a member of our vast Adrants reporting staff wasn't in attendance to capture the event first hand, thanks to Flickr, we can share all the glamorous, high heeled hotness with you today. more Run Minnesota- July 24, 2008 Ad Rants is reporting on this interesting event It's a promotion for Glamour magazine where hundreds of women in Moscow race 75 meters in stiletto heels for a big fat cash prize. There's a big photo set of the event on Flickr. Warning: Images may be extremely awesome. Moscow. PHOTOFORUM 2008 - 2008. .- July 23, 2008 guest-1649 has added a photo to the pool: PHOTOFORUM 2008. Moscow. 2008. . No tag for this post. Girl in microskirt on the Street- July 18, 2008 Girl on the Street , originally uploaded by guest-1649. Read More... Source: hot girls pictures gallery |