Transcription Guide For YouMedical transcription resources for MT job search, tools, terms, reference guide, search sites, transcription blogs, transcription links, and medical transcription community forum to bring all the MTs across the globe on one platform.Earn money online- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Earn Money Online! No Registration Fees. Guaranteed Payments. MT tools- (Found September 17, 2008 ) MT tools gives the MTs ideas about the varisus tools used in medical transcription industry to help MTs find out the best medical transcription tools for them. Medical transcription terms- (Found September 17, 2008 ) There are certain technical terms in medical transcription industry which every MTs need to understand fully to be a successful MT. MT career- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Every MTs need to know how their career progresses in medical transcription industry. Every MTs need to know the typical growh chart in medical transcription industry. MT Jobs- (Found September 17, 2008 ) MT jobs are available in plenty everywhere across the world. The only problem is to find a channel where you can get all the job information for medical transcription industry and this is the perfect channel to find MT jobs. MT search sites- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Medical transcription requires a lot of researching and referencing. In a single report, one has to search for English words, medical words, cities, drugs, abbreviations, etc. So, here are all the possible searches under one roof, so you do not have to go to different search engines for a single report. MT bloopers- (Found September 17, 2008 ) No MT discussion is complete without discussing the bloopers committed at the end of the day to ease you out from the long stressors of medical terminologies and add some spice to your life. Medical Transcription Resources- (Found September 17, 2008 ) To advertise your products and to advertise your MT jobs, please send mail to Medical transcription guestbook- (Found September 17, 2008 ) Want to post your messages, plese use my guest book to post your messages relating to medical transcription industry. TGFY News Channel- (Found September 17, 2008 ) News from India, US news, US best hospitals, sports news and many more. |