He is still comparatively a young man- June 30, 2008 He is Appearances Salon Day Spa In Mauldin, Sc still comparatively a young man. If ever he sets out to see the world for himself, his pleasures will far exceed those of the ordinary tourist. Wherever he may go, he will need no guide-book to instruct him, in history at least. And ...http://www.familyband.info/he-is-still-comparatively-a-young-man/ It is chiefly a question of recreation versus education- June 27, 2008 It is chiefly a question of recreation _versus_ education. Tired and jaded with the days business, the young man of to-day has little inclination to devote his leisure time to study. Light frothy literature removes his thoughts from worldly cares, and by a complete change of subject stimulates a mind that has been enervated by ...http://www.familyband.info/it-is-chiefly-a-question-of-recreation-versus-education/ The nearest telegraph office likely to be open- June 25, 2008 The nearest telegraph office likely to be open at such an hour was a mile away, and it was a miserable night, snowing and blowing; but no weather would have deterred him. So the telegram was safely dispatched, and he returned to bed, pinning a notice on the bedroom door to the effect that he ...http://www.familyband.info/the-nearest-telegraph-office-likely-to-be-open/ It is such an easy step- June 23, 2008 It is such an easy step, and such an immensely important one, this determination to confine ones collecting activities to a certain class of books. What a blessing it is, said a book-loving friend not long ago, not to have to worry about all sorts of books. I have never ceased congratulating myself that I ...http://www.familyband.info/it-is-such-an-easy-step/ Now he may turn to the valuable work by Mr- June 21, 2008 Now he may turn to the valuable work by Mr. H. P. Horne entitled The Binding of Books (8vo, 1894) from which he will learn a great deal that is of interest concerning the history of binding. An excellent pamphlet on bookbinders and the history of their craft, by Mr. W. H. J. Weale, was ...http://www.familyband.info/now-he-may-turn-to-the-valuable-work-by-mr/ Venetiis impressi- June 18, 2008 Venetiis impressi. Some thirty or more of these catalogues of German printers,60 produced before the end of the fifteenth century, are known. In 1485 Antoine Verard, one of the most important figures in the annals of French printing, began business at Paris by putting forth an edition of the Decameron. From this date he continued ...http://www.familyband.info/venetiis-impressi/ Needless to say- June 17, 2008 Needless to say, it is a scarce work, as are all these Elizabethan volumes upon seafaring. In volume IV. of the Cambridge History of English Literature you will find two chapters on the literature of the sea from the pens of those great authorities Commander C. N. Robinson and Mr. John Leyland. If this be ...http://www.familyband.info/needless-to-say/ |