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Feed items 1 - 7 of 7 for September 2008

Steroid Addiction

News and information about steroid addiction.

WWE Superstar Suspended for Pan Pill Addiction - - September 15, 2008

Although it has been reported he quit because of creative problems, or that he was fired for an unspecified reason, WWE superstar Hardcore Bob Holly has been suspended and is currently in rehab for a pain pill addiction. He was caught stealing pills ...

Woman charged with altering doctor's prescription order - September 11, 2008

' A woman allegedly caught trying to forge a prescription now faces felony drug charges.

Hitting the bottle - Spartanburg Herald-Journal - September 7, 2008

More than one out of every 100 licensed nurses in Spartanburg, Cherokee and Union counties has been disciplined by the state Board of Nursing for a drug-related offense. Half of them stole prescription painkillers from hospitals, doctor's offices and ...

Cocaine is a hell of a drugor is it: PreViews opinion on ... - - September 7, 2008

Amidst my usual hopes that none of the UFC fighters tested positive for banned substances, I thought I'd post an article I previously wrote about drug use in MMA. I wrote it within a few days of Elite XC's last CBS-televised event. Hilarious Rick ...

Only 3 more days ... - Spokane Spokesman-Review - September 7, 2008

And so again, the in house newsletter of the Hagadone empire, The Coeur dAlene Press, demonstrates why the newspaper, like its publisher, lacks the respect of north Idahoans. Always used to slant the news in favor of a Hagadone campaign ...

Deal or No Deal Crowns First $1 Million Winner - Access Hollywood - September 2, 2008

A Utah mom has become the first person to win $1 million on NBCs Deal or No Deal. Jessica Robinson, 27, became the first grand-prize winner in the top-rated shows 3-year history. The show was taped July 9 in Los Angeles and aired Monday ...

News quiz - Baltimore Sun - September 2, 2008

2. Barack Obama became the first African American to accept the Democratic nomination for president on Aug. 28. It happened on what anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech "I Have a Dream" A. 38th anniversary B. 45th anniversary C. 55th ...,0,7316556.triviaquiz
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