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Feed items 1 - 9 of 9 for June 2008


Labour's bullying regime...stamping on individual freedom, liberty and privacy

Euroblog bloggity blog - June 28, 2008

Thinendofthewedge has just spent a most enjoyable ten minutes here. Euroblog is always a worthwhile read if only for the author&8217;s ability to send some people&8217;sblood pressure readings off the scale. On this occasion, though, the entertainment is provided by a perfect example of how the EUgh and its supporters are gifted by a very special ...

Carry on RIPAing - June 28, 2008

Nottingham, Blackburn, Burnley, Hounslow and Harlepool are just a handful of the local authorities who have so far told Sir Simon Milton, though in rather diplomatic and indirect terms, what he can do with his advice on misuse of RIPA. Despite the huge media attention given to Milton&8217;s letter, did anyone with any knowledge of local ...

Civitas schmivitas - June 26, 2008

Unless the thinendofthewedge memory stick is playing up again, wasn&8217;t it just a few weeks ago that a Civitas spokesman was sneering at David Davis&8217; resignation while patronisingly assuring the plebs that there was no civil liberties problem in Britain But today the same Civitas has its great big thinktanky knickers in a twist because, asa ...

We know where you live - June 26, 2008

&8220;We&8217;ve got a letter from Milton.&8221; &8220;Who&8221; &8220;Milton, you know, posh bloke, thinks he&8217;s in charge.&8221; &8220;Right, him, yeah.Whats it say&8221; &8220;Reckon he&8217;s been on the bottle.Telling us to stop spying on the inmates.&8221; &8220;Chief&8230;&8221; &8220;Ah, fuck it, can&8217;t get used to this bollocks of pretending to have any respect for them, but if it makes you happy, alright, residents. Anyway, ...

Nightjack on civil liberties - June 22, 2008

If you haven&8217;t already visited NIGHTJACK - An English Detective, you&8217;re missing something more than good. As with most of the police blogs, NIGHTJACK provides enough information to make you laugh, cry, fear, worry, fret, exasperate, hyperventilate and generally feel glad you aren&8217;t wearing a blue uniform. But on top of all this, underlying just about ...

A little freedom and even less information - June 22, 2008

If any evidence is needed (and I know it isn&8217;t) that local councils now think of themselves as organisations answerable solely to themselves, thinendofthewedge only needs to look over the municipal boundary at Haringey to pull up a bucketfull. Even councillors have to use Freedom of Information requests to get answers about stasi snooping in Haringey. ...

Biter bit, V - June 22, 2008

Hand the buggers a shotgun and they might aim at us peasants but they&8217;re bound to hit one of their own from time to time. And so we can look on and laugh at the Labour councillor who has had his mobile phone calls monitored by officials at Liverpool City Council. The councillor involved, Joe Anderson, has ...

Sweden: look on in shame - June 21, 2008

Following Sweden&8217;s shameful overreaction to a threat described as minor, judges in neighbouring Denmark have refused to sell out free speech in the face of a real and bigger threat. Seven Danish Muslim organisations had their case against the newspaper editors who published cartoons of Mohammed rejected by a Danish court of appeal earlier this week. Throwing ...

Canada is really, well, quite exciting - June 21, 2008

How could we ever have possibly thought that Canada ranked a few places lower than Bridlington for excitement As each week goes by, it becomes harder and harder to even contemplate playing the traditional game of &8216;name one Canadian contribution to civilisation&8217;. Not only does Canada boast the meanest social engineering tools in the free world, ...
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