Movie Review - Blood Slaves of the Vampire Wolf- June 27, 2008 Blood Slaves of the Vampire WolfBlood Slaves of the Vampire Wolf is yet another example of how titles can be misleading. When I first saw the name of the film, I was excited to see what was in store. Vampires and werewolves And zombies thrown in for good measure How much better could an independent film get But once I sat down and saw the opening footage of the movie, I steeled myself, because I didn't want to be let down, even if I wasn't going to take that much stock in it anyway. There was a. It's been so long!- June 25, 2008 I promise I'll have a new review up soon.I really want to get back into my ritual of a review a day, but I'm afraid it probably won't happen.Anyway, while you wait for my slow ass, why not vote on which movie conquers which: Fright Night, or Bordello of Blood! Vampire Battle: Fright Night vs. Tales from the Crypt Presents: Bordello of Blood- June 20, 2008 Damn, I really need to get my act together, start being lazy and watching movies all the time, and then blog. It's so hard to find time on summer vacation.Anyway, since this Vampire Blog-a-thon is still going strong (leave it to me to create a whole summer of vampire goodness, just because I'm too busy to finish the Bite Night box set), I decided I would do a new weekly - monthly - maybe yearly, post on battles between two movies.I decided to start off with two vampire movies, going along with.. Movie Review - The Abandoned, with a look at the Abandoned premiere at the Glove- June 16, 2008 It all started out like every Friday night. Okay, so maybe not, because my friend Martin and I don't normally hang out on Friday nights, but that's what ended up happening. My mom had told me about this movie that was having a special premiere at my local theater (think acting and not movie-playing), which was called The Abandoned. If you're familiar with the 8 Movies to Die for from the Afterdark Horrorfest, The Abandoned was one of the first 8 that played last year, and I own that movie, so I. Happy Friday the 13th!!!- June 13, 2008 If you see any hockey-masked men, make a quick escape.Actually - if you see anything dangerous, make it in your best interest to get the hell away.And especially if you see Friday the 13th - The Series, turn it off and pluck out your eyes. The devil can get you.It's too bad I can't do a Friday the 13th blog-a-thon, because I haven't reviewed any of them yet and I have the box set of that as well. Oh well, that'll have to be saved for some other Friday the 13th. Movie Review - Creeptales- June 11, 2008 CreeptalesI would love to find a bigger and better picture of Creeptales, but there's really none to be had, so this will have to do. It seems like this isn't very widely known, but you can watch the trailer here!Creeptales is a collection of short horror films, probably independently produced, and they are held together by a storyline about some creepy ghoulies who, on Halloween night, set out to find the Creeptales movie that exists in their reality. They can't get it from any sensible... Special Movie Review - My Super Ex-Girlfriend- June 9, 2008 My Super Ex-GirlfriendIt's been a while since I last posted, since it has been busy. Lots of mowing lawns, my work, and prom was Saturday and yesterday, so I haven't had much time to blog. Those are my only explanations.I went into My Super Ex-Girlfriend not expecting a lot and getting a little more than I bargained for. Directed by Ivan Reitman, Uma Thurman plays superpower-charged heroine with the alias of G-Girl, known to her friends as Jenny Johnson. Luke Wilson's character, Matt Saunders,.. Movie Review - Malibu Beach Vampires- June 3, 2008 Malibu Beach VampiresFinally, I get to a film in Bite Night that is actually about vampires. Well... sort of. Vampires play a very minimal part in this so-called "movie," which is basically just pictures and dance numbers (wait what, DANCE NUMBERS!) shoved together to create a very non-cohesive story. This is worse than campy. This is - not a movie.Malibu Beach Vampires, written and directed by Francis Patrick Creighton, has no followable story. It introduces characters that don't go anywhere... Look out for the Drunken Severed Head!- June 2, 2008 I just wanted to give a shout out towards Max the Drunken Severed Head's blog, where he has posted a nice interview with actor David Patrick Kelly, known for his role in The Warriors. You should check it out, and not be discouraged by Max's less-than-perfect body - keep in mind he is a severed head.This plug is placed for a couple reasons.1. Max's blog is great, hands down - ahem, no pun intended for Max, who does not have any hands.2. My blog is looking a little barren right now. I've been a... |