SWAD-Europe project, tracking work in progress and events and items of interest. The weblog includes a list of Applications and Demos, for the W3C Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment working group Applications and Demos taskforce.">
SWAD-Europe WeblogA weblog for the SWAD-Europe project, tracking work in progress and events and items of interest. The weblog includes a list of Applications and Demos, for the W3C Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment working group Applications and Demos taskforce.Thank you and goodnight!- December 22, 2004 SWAD-Europe finally winds up this week as we send all our documents off to the Commission and settle down for a little rest. Our reworked website will remain on the W3C site and now contains SVG and raster images of the postcard and tshirt design, which our designer Liz Turner...http://esw.w3.org/mt/esw/archives/000116.html SKOS Core: Update to some term definitions and comments- December 17, 2004 A number of small changes have been made to the definitions and comments of some of the SKOS Core terms. These changes have been made mainly to refine the meaning and scope of these terms, and to bring them in line with the current development of the SKOS Core Guide....http://esw.w3.org/mt/esw/archives/000115.html New Property 'hiddenLabel' added to SKOS Core- December 15, 2004 A new property skos:hiddenLabel has been added to SKOS Core. The definition for this property indicates that a hidden label is 'a lexical label for a resource that should be hidden when generating visual displays of the resource, but should still be accessible to free text search operations.' This property...http://esw.w3.org/mt/esw/archives/000114.html Small change to skos:inScheme- December 15, 2004 The skos:inScheme property is no longer a sub-property of rdfs:isDefinedBy, because the latter in fact expresses more precise semantics. The latter should be used to express a relationship between a concept and its original, defining, concept scheme (if one exists). Use the skos:inScheme property expresses a relationship between a concept...http://esw.w3.org/mt/esw/archives/000113.html ADTF:Gohse- December 10, 2004 URL: http:cohse.man.ac.ukgohse Date created: 2004-12-10 Description: The aim of COHSE (Conceptual Open Hypermedia Services Environment) was to research into methods to improve significantly the quality, consistency and breadth of linking of WWW documents at retrieval time (as readers browse the documents) and authoring time (as authors create the documents)....http://esw.w3.org/mt/esw/archives/000112.html ADTF:Annotea- December 10, 2004 URL: http:www.annotea.orgISWC2004annoteademo.html Date created: 2004-12-10 Description: Annotea is a W3C LEAD (Live Early Adoption and Demonstration) project under Semantic Web Advanced Development (SWAD). Annotea enhances collaboration via shared metadata based Web annotations, bookmarks, and their combinations. By annotations we mean comments, notes, explanations, or other types of external remarks...http://esw.w3.org/mt/esw/archives/000111.html ADTF:Momis- December 10, 2004 URL: http:dbgroup.unimo.itMomis Date created: 2004-12-10 Description: The MOMIS (Mediator envirOnment for Multiple Information Sources) is a framework to perform information extraction and integration from both structured and semi-structured data sources, plus query management facilities to take incoming queries and process them through the exploitation of the annotated Global Schema,...http://esw.w3.org/mt/esw/archives/000110.html ADTF:Bibster- December 10, 2004 URL: http:bibster.semanticweb.org Date created: 2004-12-10 Description: Bibster is a Peer-to-Peer system for exchanging bibliographic data among researchers, obtained e.g. from Bibtex files. Bibster exploits ontologies in data representation, query formulation, query-routing and answer presentation. Bibster is a fully implemented open source solution built on top of the JXTA platform....http://esw.w3.org/mt/esw/archives/000109.html ADTF:Flink- December 9, 2004 URL: http:prauw.cs.vu.nl:8080flink Date created: 2004-12-09 Description: Flink is a crossover between a social experiment and a semantic application. It brings together a number of different knowledge sources and use them to learn about the social structures of the community that created them - in this case, the community of...http://esw.w3.org/mt/esw/archives/000108.html ADTF:Swoogle- December 9, 2004 URL: http:swoogle.umbc.edu Date created: 2004-12-07 Description: Swoogle is a crawler-based indexing and retrieval system for the Semantic Web documents - i.e., RDF or OWL documents. It analyzes the documents it discovered to compute useful metadata properties and relationships between them. The documents are also indexed by using an information...http://esw.w3.org/mt/esw/archives/000107.html |