The Command PostThis weblog is for posts of news items with information about the Iraq conflict.Good News from Iraq (Arthur's Finale): 13 September 2005- September 13, 2005 Note: Available from Chrenkoff, as well as &8220;WSJ Opinion Journal,&8221; Winds of Change.NET and As this is my last contribution to the series, an extra special thanks to WSJ&39;s James Taranto and Joe Katzman of Winds of Change.NET, as well as to countless readers and bloggers for your support and encouragement right from the beginning. Here is the entire series. It&39;s been almost a year and a half since I first started compiling the under-reported and... Winds Iraq Report: Sept. 1205- September 12, 2005 Welcome! Our goal at Winds of Change.NET is to give you one power-packed briefing of insights, news and trends from Iraq that leaves you stimulated, informed, and occasionally amused every Monday & Thursday. This briefing is brought to you by Joel Gaines of No Pundit Intended and Andrew Olmsted of Andrew Olmsted dot com. TOP TOPICS The battle for Tal Afar, mentioned here last week, has expanded to include an attempt by the Iraq government to seal the Syrian border to prevent insurgents from. |