Web Design and Development Tutorials by Sebastian SulinskiWeb design and development tutorials on how to use Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop, PHP, MySQL, CSS, Ajax and more.Dreamweaver :: How to define new static and dynamic project in Dreamweaver CS3- July 17, 2008 In this tutorial I'm explaining how to define new static and dynamic project in Dreamweaver CS3.http://www.webdesignbognorregis.co.uk/?p=articles&s=dreamweaver&a=define_new_proje... Encore :: Publish project as DVD with Encore CS3 - Part 12- July 13, 2008 In this part of this tutorial I'm explaining how to apply audio to the menus, set the first play, check the project for errors and finally - how to publish the project as DVD using Adobe Encore CS3.http://www.sebastiansulinski.co.uk/web_design_tutorials/video/premiere_pro_12/project_prem... Encore :: Create video thumbnail buttons for the DVD menu using Adobe Encore CS3 - Part 11- July 11, 2008 This tutorial explains how to create video thumbnail buttons for the DVD menu using Adobe Encore CS3.http://www.sebastiansulinski.co.uk/web_design_tutorials/video/premiere_pro_11/project_prem... Encore :: Create playlist and link it to the buttons using Adobe Encore CS3 - Part 10- July 3, 2008 This tutorial explains how to create playlist and link it to the buttons using Adobe Encore CS3.http://www.sebastiansulinski.co.uk/web_design_tutorials/video/premiere_pro_10/project_prem... |